Explore Robot Vehicles (Advanced)

Mức độ nâng cao: học sinh từ 12-15 tuổi.
Khóa học trang bị cho học sinh những kiến thức cơ bản về lập trình và điều khiển robot cũng như làm rõ mối liên hệ giữa khoa học, kỹ thuật và công nghệ thông qua các thiết bị điện tử, cảm biến, động cơ… được trang bị trong khóa học.

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Purpose and objectives:

this course provide for students the basic knowledge of robot programming and controlling, also the connection between science, engineering and technology through electrical devices, sensors, motors,…Students will be challenged with several activities to boost the thinking and creativity.

  • This course provides the basic knowledge of robot programming and controlling, also the connection between science, technology and engineering via the electrical devices, sensors, motors,… that equipped.
  • The Kit mBot from MakeBlock is the training kit for this topic. This is the robot that equipped sensors for line detecting, objects detecting, sound system,… It can be upgraded to the other robot types, such as bug robot, dog robot, frog robot,… The graphical programming language is the fundamental control method of mBot. It is easy to work with a simple user interface for young students can program.
  • This course also train the students some important skills: communication, teamwork, presentation, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity.

Particularly target:

  • The basic level: student from 8 – 11 years old
  • The advanced level: student from 12 – 15 years old


  • Understanding the basic science definitions (sound, light,…)
  • Being familiar with motors, electrical devices, other related definitions and functions
  • Knowing the basic programming
  • Can describe the mBot’s parts and its functions.
  • Understand the role and application of sensors.


  • Programming in the basic level with MakeBlock software
  • Designing, assembling and upgrading the mBot model with the available accessories.
  • Simulating the movement of some different animals.
  • Composing the simple songs by programming the sound system on mBot
  • Controlling and displaying the LED on mBot
  • Creating the autonomous function, line detecting and object detecting for mBot

Course Curriculum

Time: 8 weeks

    Session 1: The basic of graphical programming language 0

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    Session 2: Loops, variable and constant 0

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    Session 3: Explore the robot car hardware 0

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    Session 4: The world of color 0

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    Session 5: Sound of life 0

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    Session 6: Robot’s movement 0

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    Session 7: Robot and the world 0

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    Session 8: Autonomous car in maze 0

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