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Fiber Optics and Lasers
Fiber Optics and Lasers
Purpose and Objectives: In the course, you will play the role of a telecommunication engineer to build a circuit that uses laser and fiber optic, which allow you to transfer voice and data telecommunications. After that solving the problem about …
Automation and Robotics
Automation and Robotics
Purpose and Objectives: This course provides students chance to explore, design the robotic system that applied in the production environment. Students can also be challenged to optimize the system by playing a role of robotic system engineer. Particularly target: student …
Purpose and objectives: This course provides students the basic definitions of aerodynamics, aerodynamics design and the different forces that allow to minimum the drag in motion of a object. Besides, students will play the role of an aerodynamic expert to …
Alternative Energies
Alternative Energies
Purpose and Objectives: The STEM Alternative Energy course introduces learners to the basic principles of energy such as the forms of energy, renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy, and energy conservation. Furthermore, students will be challenged by participating in many …
Science Creation
Science Creation
Khóa học này sẽ giúp học sinh hình thành một số khái niệm đơn giản về âm thanh, ánh sáng, màu sắc, nhiệt độ, độ ẩm và sự đa dạng của thế giới muôn loài… thấy được mối liên hệ giữa khoa học, kỹ thuật và công nghệ cũng...
Explore Humanoid Robot
Explore Humanoid Robot
Purpose and objectives: This course provide students the basic knowledge of robot hardware, the study of control, power supply source. Students can interact directly and play with robot through teamwork activities (story time, dance,…) to see the role and application …
Explore Robot Vehicles (Advanced)
Explore Robot Vehicles (Advanced)
Mức độ nâng cao: học sinh từ 12-15 tuổi. Khóa học trang bị cho học sinh những kiến thức cơ bản về lập trình và điều khiển robot cũng như làm rõ mối liên hệ giữa khoa học, kỹ thuật và công nghệ thông qua các thiết bị điện tử,...
Robot Hands In Production
Robot Hands In Production
Khóa học trang bị cho học sinh một số kiến thức về kỹ thuật robot – cánh tay robot và ứng dụng của cánh tay robot trong thực tế sản xuất. Học sinh được trải nghiệm thực tế thông qua việc lập trình và điều khiển một quy trình...
OUR Events
![43203578_481164742389682_1881697134554644480_o-768×576[1] 3D DESIGN](https://fablab.eiu.edu.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/43203578_481164742389682_1881697134554644480_o-768x5761-1-590x576.jpg)
About us
Making a Difference
EIU Fablab is a digital workshop that offers technology and engineering activities for the community. Working spaces and facilities in EIU Fablab helps people learn about, use, and develop digital tools, technologies, and science projects. Users can work and share knowledge through mutual activities such as co-learning (peer-to-peer learning), co-research, co-design, co-creation, or co-work to execute a startup project. EIU FabLab provides a state-of-the-art concept of learning and researching to the community, creates an environment fostering and initiating (motivating) innovation in the community.
Education – Training: EIU FabLab helps students and community users access and use engineering, technology to actualize initial ideas; Advance knowledges and skills through learning by doing activities.
Research – Development: EIU FabLab will seek new ideas, promote research and development, and create innovative products to serve the community.
Entrepreneurship: EIU FabLab will promote commercializing products from successful projects.
EIU FabLab is a typically digital workshop equipped with many hi-tech, modern devices, dynamically – innovatively open space and diverse activities for serving the community. EIU FabLab offers the best services to support the actualization of ideas, motivating innovation, and entrepreneurship to generate active community values.
Core Values
Open access space: We believe that easy accessing and using modern technological devices at EIU FabLab to actualize initial ideas by users will motivate learning and innovative activities in the community.
Experimentation: We believe that daring to experiment helps to earn more knowledge, improving, and getting the perfect product.
Problem-solving: Problem-solving skill is one of the important keys to getting success in any projects.
Creativity: Creativity to add higher values for a product that can bring positive values to society.
Sharing and collaborating: We believe that knowledge and experience sharing and collaborating will help us go faster and farther.
Achievement: Boosting creativity, development, and positive values are the main goals of EIU Fablab.