Science Creation

Khóa học này sẽ giúp học sinh hình thành một số khái niệm đơn giản về âm thanh, ánh sáng, màu sắc, nhiệt độ, độ ẩm và sự đa dạng của thế giới muôn loài… thấy được mối liên hệ giữa khoa học, kỹ thuật và công nghệ cũng như những ứng dụng thực tiễn trong đời sống.

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Purpose and objectives:

This course will present to student the basic definition of sound, light, color, temperature, humidity and wild life,… to understand the connection between science, engineering and technology and the real life.

  • This course provides students the basic definitions of sound, light, color, temperature, humidity and the diversity of wild life,… so students can see the connection between science, engineering, technology and its realistic applications.
  • MakeBlock Neuron Creative Kit is the training kit of this course. It includes switch, buzzer, LED, motors, sensors,…that can connect easily and control via Bluetooth by the blockly programming. This is a friendly programming method that young student can be easy to understand and apply.
  • This course also train the students some important skills: communication, teamwork, presentation, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity.

Particularly target: students from 6 – 10 years old


  • Understanding the basic knowledge of music, animal and the world
  • Understanding the basic definition of sound, light, color,…
  • Get to know about motor, electrical devices, definitions and functions
  • Being familiar with the function and application of smart home model
  • Being familiar with basic programming


  • Do the basic programming on Neuron software
  • Practice assemble and build the model with the available hardware and accessories of this course
  • Program for composing a song
  • Program for simulating the movement of animals
  • Build a simple smart home model
  • Design and build the weather forecast station

Course Curriculum

Time: 6 weeks

    Session 1: Explore the world of music 0

    No items in this section

    Session 2: Discover the world of color 0

    No items in this section

    Session 3: Pet modelling 0

    No items in this section

    Session 4: Design a smart home system 0

    No items in this section

    Session 5: Design a weather forecast station 0

    No items in this section

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