Purpose and objectives:
This course will let students chance to discover the mechanisms, includes the experiments to set up the mechanisms and know how to design of transport mechanism idea. Students can catch up with the new creative solution for problems and challenges in real application.
Particularly target: Students from 12 – 18 years old
- Understand the science knowledge such as distance, weight, force, velocity, work
- Understand the inclined plane, wedges, screws, levers, wheels and axles, gears and gear trains, belt drives, pulleys
- Understand the measurement units, calculations.
- Apply the design process to a lifting and relocation problem
- Evaluate current designs and select design changes that result in improved processes
- Complete standard engineering forms
- Explore how system properties and forces create mechanical advantage
- Can define the suitable and popular mechanisms that applied in real life
- Apply the basic skills to design the objects lifting and arranging system
- Present about force, work and power
- Assemble, optimize and apply hardware to presnet the mechanical application.
- Evaluate the problems from the engineer’s view and conclusion based on calculation